Your breath is a powerful key to improving your state of mind and health. It even carries the capacity to shift you into non-ordinary states of consciousness, opening the way for insights and what some call "spiritual experiences."
Full moon energy is potent for helping us release what is no longer serving us, and this particular event will take place near the full moon in Gemini, urging us to articulate our wishes and dreams. We will be supported in regaining our focus and taking on the responsibility we have possibly been ignoring.
We will add to this energy by combining it with the heart opening medicine of cacao, to soften our hearts, help us release grief, and bring more love into our lives.
This breath work journey will include:
An opening circle
Cacao and intention setting
Intro to the breathing technique
A breath journey lasting 40-60 min
Closing circle for integration with tea and a snack
Investment: $75
Membership Discount